May is “Check Your Pool Gate” Month and we at Pro Max Fence Systems take safety seriously, for your
children and pets. According to the National Drowning Prevention Alliance (NDPA), leading cause of
unintentional injury related death for children under 5, the second leading cause for children 14 and
under and remains in the top 5 for ages up to 55. Pets are at risk at any age, but especially those new to
water and “the doggie paddle”.
Here are some tips to safely enjoy a nice summer day at home by the pool.
An improperly functioning gate is a sure-fire way to gain access to a pool.
1. Hinges – gate hinges should be “self-closing” which means when someone forgets to close the
gate, the hinges will “spring into action” and provide closure. TIP – if you have these hinges, test
the tension to ensure it is closing on its own.
2. Latch – there are many hinges available, like a magnetic pool safety latch which works in
conjunction with the self-closing hinges. TIP – if you have a magnetic top pull latch, be sure the
latch is properly aligned on the frame and post so that they “meet” to secure the gate closure.
3. Check the integrity of the gate – is the frame secure, are the pickets intact and sturdy, if wire
attached is it whole and not broken?
Check your fence line! Spring is the best time to do this after the winter thaw. Freezing/thawing can
cause posts to heave and panels to break.
1. Take a walk around your fence line and give your posts a little push/pull; if they move/shift this
is a weak point and can cause the panels/rails of your fence to fail.
2. If you have a fence with wire attached like a split rail or ranch fence, ensure your wire is pool
code and is not broken. Oftentimes the weld of the wire can rust and break.
Wild animals are also attracted to water – not just kids and dogs! Imagine finding Rusty the Raccoon,
Pauline the Opossum or Sally Skunk taking a dip – or worse, not surviving the swim. Keeping your fence
in compliance and in tip top condition can bring many years of peaceful and worry-free enjoyment.
For more information on pool safety and layers of protection, please click here to do your part in
preventing accidental drowning.
If we can help you to secure your pool or spa with a fence system, please let us know. We are here to