Sound Wall Project

Recently we completed another sound wall project in Florence , NJ. Installing over 943′, multi-height sound barrier wall project for the IPT Railroad Logistics Center. This was our first collaboration with AIL Sound Walls using their Tuf-Barrier XL system. 

Our team led by Project Manager Shane Boyer and Foreman Chris Bond overcame challenges such as drilling the necessary footers to ensure the Sound Wall system’s strength and longevity by partnering with Precision Drilling and Empire Services. Working through the winter posed challenges with the footers filling with water and ground debris. Each drilled hole had to be “pumped out” with a vac truck so that our team could effectively set each post in the footings.

After many days of drilling, pumping and setting it was time to set the walls. Reaching new heights on many levels during the construction of the wall as high as 24′ the Sound Wall is made from tongue and groove PVC with blocking/reflecting noise technology. 

Please take a look at the recent case study on this project for more information.

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